Radomsko, today a city with a population of 52,000, is located in central Poland in the southern
part of the Lodzkie Province. It is one of the oldest cities in Poland, situated midway between
Czestochowa and
Piotrkow Trybunalski.
It is uncertain when Jews first settled in Radomsko, but in
1643, the Polish King
Wladyslaw IV excluded them from living in the city.
They were only officially permitted to return in
1862. During the period they
were prohibited from
residing in Radomsko, the Jews lived in the nearby village of
Jews from
Bugaj who carried out commercial activities in
Radomsko were required to leave the city in the evening.
was annexed by the city of Radomsko at the beginning of the 19th century, at which time a
Synagogue Committee was organized, the first Jewish institution in Radomsko. The Jewish
population grew rapidly from the mid-19th century onwards, and by the eve of WW2, when the
overall population numbered approximately 25,000, about 10,000 of them were Jews.
German Invaders #1 |
German Invaders #2 |
At the outbreak of war, because of its close proximity to the then border with Germany,
Radomsko fell very quickly to the invaders. On Sunday,
3 September 1939, the Germans
entered the city. The Jews of Radomsko were immediately subjected to the brutal ill treatment
common to all areas of Poland occupied by the Germans. Forced labour, beatings, theft
and murder became commonplace. On the morning of the
31 October 1939, Jewish men aged
15 to 60 were required to register. The city commandant,
Ruter, announced
that able-bodied men would have to wear a patch on the left side of the chest. There were three
kinds of patches: violet, red and yellow. They were made of cloth, with a large 'J' (
Jude) in
gold paint on the violet, and in black paint on the red and yellow patches. People released from
compulsory labour received the violet patches; doctors, dentists and those unfit for work.
They were later also worn by the leaders of the
Judenrat. The red patches were received
by the old and weak men, who were obliged to work only three days a week. Those who
possessed the yellow patches were required to undertake compulsory labour the whole week.
This was the first such marking of Jews to occur in Poland. In
June 1940 an order was issued
changing the identifying badge. Jews aged twelve years and older had to wear a white
armband bearing a blue Star of David.
20 December 1939, Radomsko became the second city in Poland to have a ghetto
established, situated on
Szkolna, Stodolna, Joselwicza,
Strzalkowska, Fabianiego, and Mickiewicza Streets. A sign was placed at the
entrances to the ghetto, reading: "This is the ghetto. Entering is strictly forbidden. For Jews,
leaving the ghetto without the permission of the city commandant is strictly forbidden." The
Judenrat was created on
15 November 1939 under the chairmanship of
Mojsze Berger, later succeeded by
Wiktor Gutsztat.
Now a Jewish police force was also formed under the command of
Natan Winer.
German extortion occurred on a grand scale. Apart from money and valuables, furniture, clothing,
linen, bedding, musical instruments and the furnishing of a brothel for
Wehrmacht use
were demanded. The
Judenrat obtained many of the goods by purchasing them from Polish merchants.
early June 1940, Jews from
Ozorkow and
Zdunska Wola were transported to the ghetto. At the
end of June 1941 the Germans decreased the size of the ghetto, intensifying
the already unbearable overcrowding. Nevertheless, during
1942 still more Jews
from surrounding towns and villages such as
Amstow, Plawno, Gidziel, Kamiensk, Kodran, Mojslawice,
Strzalkow, and
Klomnice were transported to the ghetto.
Throughout its existence, many people died in the ghetto as a result of typhus and other
epidemics, malnutrition and the exhaustion caused by intolerably harsh working conditions.
August 1941, the
Judenrat were forced to select 200 young men for forced labour at
Plaszow, from where a few of them returned in November of that year.
Through the initiative of a group of Jewish women headed by
Dora Rozenboim,
an orphanage housing 60 children aged 3-6 was established in
January 1942.
On one occasion a group of German journalists appeared in the ghetto. Jews were posed in
compromising positions for photographs that later appeared in German magazines. The
photographs were intended to give the impression that the Jews of Radomsko were
degenerate members of the underworld, living a life of ease and plenty. In truth, in places like the
Gidziel labour camp close to Radomsko and
elsewhere, the Germans diligently carried out the practice of annihilation through work.
A courier had arrived in Radomsko in
July 1942 from the
Warsaw Ghetto. He bore the terrible news that the Jews of
Warsaw were being murdered in
Treblinka. As in other places, the news was greeted with
disbelief by some and terror by others. A number of Jews began to prepare hiding places in
cellars and attics. On
9 October 1942, the ghetto having been sealed, a large
Aktion began.
The Germans in charge of the
Feucht and
produced a list of 350 Jews who had permission to remain in the ghetto; these included members of the
Judenrat, the police, some doctors , dentists and certain skilled workers.
Between 10–12 October 1942, 14,000 Jews were transported from Radomsko to
Treblinka in two transports. Hundreds of others had been shot in the
ghetto itself in the course of the roundup. Included in the second transport were 29 of the 350 persons
originally allowed to remain in the ghetto. There were thus 321 Jews officially remaining in the city,
although many more were in hiding. The 321 "legal" Jews were packed into four houses on
Mickiewicza Street.
Some messages thrown from the railway cars en route to
were brought to the ghetto by the Poles who had found them. One of these was a letter that was written by
Bela Yoistman (Justman?) to her husband
My dear Dovid! It is before dawn and I am travelling
in a crowded cattle car in the direction of Treblinka; I travel to a
certain death. You, Dovid, see that you save yourself, while I am already
in the enemies' hands. I am already lost. Forget me and love again with happiness! Fate wanted
it this way. Stay healthy dear husband and give my sincere regards to your sister and brother-in-law."
The person to whom the letter was addressed,
Dovid Yoistman (Justman?),
did not receive it. He had been sent to
Treblinka in the first
At the
end of October 1942, the Germans announced the creation of four "Jewish cities"
in the district Radom -
Sandomierz (Tsuzmir), Szydlowiec and Radomsko. Jews from surrounding areas
arrived in Radomsko and many of those in hiding joined them, lured by false promises of safety.
The Germans assured members of Zionist youth groups in the city that they were to be exchanged for
German nationals interned in Palestine (a commonly practiced deception). But the chairman of the
Gutsztat, warned them that this was "another
Gestapo trick"
and urged them to flee, which many did.
Soon the small ghetto contained 4,500 people. Overcrowding was worse than ever, with an
average of fifteen to twenty people living in one room. At first the residents of the ghetto thought that
the transports had ceased, but the reprieve was temporary. On
6 January 1943, the Jews were
driven to the
Umschlagplatz. The younger ones, among them the entire Jewish police force,
were sent to the
Skarzysko-Kamienna labour camp,
where earlier small transports had also been sent. All others, numbering approximately 4,000 individuals,
were transported to
Treblinka. 29 people were left to clean the
ghetto and maintain housing. Later further Jews were added to this group until it totalled 41 people.
The Germans estimated that about 800 Jews were still missing. As these were recaptured, they
were taken to the Jewish cemetery and shot. After months of hardship and suffering, the last remnants
of the Jews of Radomsko were sent to the
Pionki labour camp on
21 July 1943.
Zipser, Heinz - 6 years
Zivilverwaltung Landratsamt Radomsko (
Kreis- und Stadtbauamt)
Crime committed in Radomsko, Poland in
1939 - Mishandling of Jewish forced labourers,
resulting in the death of one of them.
Gilbert, Martin.
The Holocaust – The Jewish Tragedy, William Collins Sons & Co. Limited, London, 1986
Gilbert, Martin.
Atlas of the Holocaust, William Morrow and Company Inc, New York, 1993
Arad, Yitzhak.
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka - The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Indiana University Press,
Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1987
Karay, Felicja.
Death Comes in Yellow – Skarzysko-Kamienna Slave Labour Camp, Harwood Academic
Publishers, The Netherlands, etc., 1997
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